Once you know it is easy. The part that requires work is to set up the infrastructure that can handle the know.
Laughing Computers – Is that possible? Yes, it is!
To solve AI‘s concurrent dilemma – How?
By teaching computers to laugh and thereby defuse logic-defined end-of-life conclusions.
The current initiative by 1000 and more enterprises and individuals to stop, Read more
When an OP_n^x iterational integrity is compromised, complications occurs. These complications are akin to knots in a pathway network or short circuits in an electrical circuit.
This is the environment in which radicals pop-up, “fighting” apparently everything. The feeding Read more
A word born into this world or first encountered starts in stage Concept, it has no form, no meaning, no depth, no weight.As you start to handle it, interact with it it enters into the stage of Verbalization Read more
A short one today:
After being doubtily intrigued by what I had been taught and following this train of thought I no longer only see substances as inhabiting an aggregate state – solid, liquid, gaseous, plasma.The aggregate state is Read more
From my observing in the Namibia space an understanding of how this and thus other sand deserts have come to be:
In nature moving is what sorts, the big from the small and this is exactly what flowing wter Read more
What if…? empty space is solid to a large being, of sorts?
How do I conclude that?:It is true that something solid, like rock, will iquefy under under great pressure.Is it thus possible the liquids are under an enormous Read more
The butterfly effect started, to my knowledge, with a japanese master commenting once somewhere that the beat of the wing of a butterfly over the ocean on the other side of the world could initiate a taifun off the Read more
Dimension n Addressarray
The 4th, the 5th and any other to nth or further Dimension do not exist for us, because we still have to invent them.
Just as we invented the 1st, the 2nd and the 3rd dimension. Read more
What is a fact? – A fact is an f-act. It is shortcode , formed over many a year, for an act fixed so that we do not have to re-invent the wheel over and over and over again. Read more
Is it conceivable, since I am writing about it here it would have to be, but also possible that one of the biggest problems of our time – that which we call racism – has some of its origins Read more
ADH and ADHS, something for which we have not really much more than a name, may quite possibly also be an expression of what I shall outline here. I can readily say this from observing my own behaviour which Read more