Development of word

Heightened Accuracy in Translation

A word born into this world or first encountered starts in stage Concept, it has no form, no meaning, no depth, no weight.
As you start to handle it, interact with it it enters into the stage of Verbalization where it gains experience, flesh, where it is tried and tested, turned around, misused, disassembled, reassembled, employed again – all the time it is being handled, it is a verb, the reflection of doing something.
And as the understanding grows word enters the stage of Noun, where it has now gathered weight, has depth, has meaning, is as solid as a rock, unmutable, unquestionable because all the questions have been answered. It is the condensed essence of all the experience gained in Verbalization.

I find it easy to discern where a word that a user employs is at home:
If it populates Concept it is usually only one variation of the word, quickly and softly or loudly uttered, not much attention paid to it, glossed over, quickly touched or skirted, much like you might a burning flame.
If it populates Verbalizations you will usually find many a variation of that word in lots of different situations or context as the user exerts himself to get to grips with the concept, literally. And a many of them will be expressed as a verb.
Once it populates Noun the variety experienced in the Verbalization diminishes once more and the essence of the experience condenses into a word that now has weight, depth, meaning, revealed by slower use, matter of fact recital, pauses aver so slight before and after its use, but even more discernable by what I would call those shimmering spaces and sparkles of nothingness that make it vibrate and pulse with energy. If this is so then this universe of ours is one big beautiful wor(l)d.

Now – let me get back to the mundane:

The stage a word populates is a direct reflection of the understanding the user has of that subject matter.

This insight can be employed in Heightening Accuracy in Translation – of what use is a literal translation if the word I use is to me a noun while to my opposite it is a cencept?

Realising where each user is at and employing these two will give you, or even a formalised computer algorithm as a translator a guideline as to whether employ a word in a Concept stage, in a Verbalization stage or in a Noun stage.
This also helps to discern whether and when to return a Noun to Verbalization as the differing experiences there have “nouned” the word differently.

Every mother teaching her child experiences, then knows and then employs this.
See on more of this type of groundwork a houseman or -wife delivers daily.

With this insight and its formalization a metre can be created for meaningful translations. Translations that take into account the depth of understanding a user has of a subject matter.

Have you ever asked yourself:
What was the first word?
How did our rich language grow into what it is today?
The above gives a starting point to those questions and more in-depth insight can be garnered with the toolbox of denkern: Your language map defines a lot of your worklihood.
Your worklihood stems from working on reality, employing an Ordering-Principle OP_n repeatedly until you gain a certain Ordering-Potential OP_n^x, your level of understanding.

All of the above is as true of an individual as it is true of a volk or a population or a language or a dialect.

In determining which stage a word populates time plays no role. Time is a sequencing algorithm, a tool to structure happenings.
In the context of HAT the tense a word has when being used plays a role only where you want to discern how deeply in time the user hides what he or she does not want to deal with now, i.e. how willing he or she is to deepen understanding.