Truth ever only lies within a logic, never outside. Now - what if you have two logics? What if you have three? More?


??Why capture the kernel ??

Capturing the kernel arose from one need and one need only: To move fast, loving the speed, navigating through tight corners and all the time doing this elegantly. There are a lot of reasons that I gave myself along the way, like "Saving the World" or "Understanding the world better". But then, at the end of the day, I simply really enjoy  being able to move fast.
There are a lot of spin-offs that cover the other reasons I mentioned and others too; and they are wonderful accompaniments yet still not my primary reason for developing this kernel: OP_n^x -> OP_n^(x+1).
Ordering-Principle of type n and of Ordering-Potential ^x develops into / iterates to Ordering-Principle of type n and Ordering-Potential ^x+1, where Ordering-Principle describes the kernel and Odering-Potential describes the number of iterations.

This remains an exciting journey.

The gist of it:
Every system is called into life to fulfil a purpose. In this creation of it we settle on a rule set that is repeatedly applied for its growth: Like a house and a street repeated makes a town, makes a city, makes a metropolis. If that rule set is applied truthfully in every repeat the system will grow to be complex and fulfill its purpose. That rule-set, that logic is its kernel.

Formalising all this makes it into an applicable tool for every system - physical, emotional, esoteric, intellectual, psychological, known, unknown, simple, complicated, complex.  This is the essence of it, the kernel of Denkern:

Denkern is a discipline of thought that captures the kernel of a system.

Finding and condensing it was by no means a linear process. Finding the words for it and formalising it into a viable tool is, though a lot of the groundwork has been done, an ongoing work in progress, as you will witness here.


  1. An Ordering-Principle (OP) of type n (_n) is applied repeatedly x times (^x) to reality creating a system that produces a worklihood.
  2. Reality is not affected/changed by the application of that Ordering-Principle to it.
  3. A worklihood can, since its Ordering-Principle is a definition, not reflect all of reality.
  4. Any number of worklihoods can be extracted from one reality - every OP_n and iteration thereof, OP_n^x, generates its own worklihood.
  5. Any collection of worklihoods can form a reality.

And what turns this into a such a viable tool, as I claim?

  1. It is this formalisation that allows me to capture the kernel of any system, known or unknown to me.
  2. Having the Ordering-Principlel, that kernel of a system at my disposal allows me to check, maintain or repair iterational integrity, thus ensuring that the system fulfills its purpose. Remember - every system  is called into life to fulfil a purpose. 
  3. Compromised iterational integrity leads to complications and the system "bleeds". This is akin to a short-circuit in an electrical circuit- the system can only partially or not fulfill its function at all. Having the kernel, the Ordering-Principle, of a system at my disposal allows me to quickly and easily spot and weed out complications.
  4. Iterational integrity ensures that a system stays complex, capable of fulfilling its purpose.

With the kernel of a system at my disposal I can restore the health of that system. Applying denkern (Den Kern, The Kernel) to any conceivable system I am capable of capturing the kernel of that system. And with all of that navigating through, moving through, around and in this system we call life becomes faster, approaching the speeds I like.

Teaching denkern is what this website is about.


Here is some food for thought:

An Ordering-Principle is a repeatedly applied rule-set.
A rule-set is a type of logic.
Logic is like a pathway through a garden. It gives you access to the potential fruit the garden can bear.
Any garden can bear any pathway design.
The experience gained from the garden is dependent on the pathway design chosen.

Keep this in mind: Not  only the path you lay out in the garden is a logic, so is your decision what plants to plant, how much water to give when, and, and, and... This is simplified to give you a viable tool with which to think.

The same garden, the same field (aka reality) can bear any number of logics.
Each logic begets its own experience.
Each logic makes sense in its own way.
Each logic is conformant within itself.
Each logic is its own "reading protocol" applied to reality to literally! "make sense" of reality.
Each logic, applied repeatedly, i.e. iteratively, begets a complex system.

AND - to much logic in a field and nothing grows anymore.

A logic does not change reality, it only determines the worklihood achievable from a reality. 
Since any logic orders the field, i.e. reality, according to its rule set I name that logic the Ordering-Protocol or Ordering Principle n.

Never does the principle change the reality to which it is applied.
A principle only determines what use is extracted from reality.

I employ the word protocol when I denote action, documentation of that action or action to be taken outside the bounds of time, itself an OP.
I employ the word principle when I stay within the bounds of time.

The number of times, i.e. its number of iterations,  an Ordering-Principle is appliedto reality I call the Ordering-Potential OP_n^x.
The more often it is applied the greater the potential and the more differentiated / complex the system and by its application the use derived from reality is.

As shown here:

It is this abstraction that makes capturing the kernel so universally applicable and useful.